Is Linux Ubuntu 25 Released?

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Linux Ubuntu 24 has been released on 25th April 2024

Meet Ubuntu 25

  • GNOME 48 Desktop Environment
  • Linux Kernel 6.14
  • Updated Toolchains
  • Optimization for AMD64 Systems


You can check the version of Ubuntu you are using by running the command:
lsb_release -a
This will display your Ubuntu version and other related information.

About Linux Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software. Ubuntu is a powerful system that is not an exception to the open-source paradigm of Linux distributions. It features community and professional support for its users. The default software, packages, and repositories are all free software as well, meaning that one can simply install the operating system and utilize everything without requiring any licenses or special purchases. The user may also wish to add licensed software and may do so with no major complication if they already know the system and the way it works.

Regular folks, usual people with a bit more technological savviness, use Linux Ubuntu for their regular activities, very similar to the ones performed by macOS or Windows users around the world. Ubuntu is praised because of how efficiently it manages resources like memory, RAM, or plain processing power. While Windows 10 is a very well-functioning operating system, it has many features that are likely weighing your performance down, contrary to Ubuntu, an extremely capable and powerful system that still lays low in terms of consumption (of course depending on what you use it for). Linux Ubuntu is also praised for its high level of security and the absolute freedom of customization.


We are currently in the 21.04 version of Ubuntu, the latest stable release. It was put out to the public in April of 2021, with an end of life forecasted to be in January of 2022. New Ubuntu versions are nicknamed in a particular way, with the current 21.04 referred to as “Hirsute Hippo.” Every time Ubuntu upgrades, it looks to solve popular issues and improve the experience of users with new features.